Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring has finally arrived!

Happy spring everyone! Don't you just love this time of year, the rebirth of the trees and flowers never ceases to amaze me. Rob is also glad for the warmth since his shop is outside and the winters can be cold and long. He is working on a new piece and I can't wait for you all to see it, I think it is fabulous and I'm not saying that just because I'm his wife! I have been working on some polymer clay beads for the past few months and hopefully by the end of April I will be placing them in some new spring pieces. Both of us are now a part of and we love the atmosphere there, Rob is in the Day of the Dead Market, I am in the Grand Arcade market and we are both in the Spirits of the Southwest. My shop name is Roja Tierra Designs, and we are still on Etsy collectively under ElReyArtwork, we just thought it would be better to separate the jewelry from the Santos!


Kim said...

Wow, your blog is muy grande! LOVE the background of the page! It's nice to get to know other artisans who love the Southwestern art as much as I do! Although I was born and raised in New Jersey, I spent more time in Tucson than I did in New Jersey in my lifetime. I have adopted the Latino culture and have a deep appreciation.
Thank you!
Day of the Dead Market Manager,

Tammy and Rob said...

Thanks for stopping by Brett! We will post here about the SW, santos, jewelry, saints and a bunch of other stuff!

AdobeSol said...

Yes, I am very glad spring as arrived! It is nice and warm heer in Albuquerque.

I look forwatd to seeing your polymer clay beads and new work!
