Friday, June 19, 2009


A little Happy Father's Day for my Daddy!

His name is Lewis but everybody calls him Sonny.

He was blessed with 3 beautiful daughters, me, Elizabeth, and Sarah.

He spoiled all 3 of us.

Elizabeth and I have given him 5 grandchildren, 4 boys, 1 girl.

Daddy is a workaholic but has always made sure we know he loves us.

Although I have two beautiful younger sisters, for many years it was just me and Daddy (my parents ended their marriage when I was very young). I couldn't wait for the weekend to come and we liked to travel and those little expeditions are forever etched in my heart, even when he lost me at Magic Mountain when I was 6 or ice fishing at the Flaming Gorge in Wyoming, it was all fun!

Years later he moved to Albuquerque and shortly thereafter met and fell in love with and married Loretta, now being the stubborn, spoiled little girl I was, it took a little time for me to get use to sharing my Daddy with another girl(woman). In my heart I knew that Albuquerque and Loretta were probably the best things that could happen to him and he always made sure I knew how much he loved me and for this I am thankful. I went through my little phases of not wanting to go vist him as a teenager, but it was during my own struggles as a newly single young mother that Daddy took me in and helped me through it all.

My Daddy is still in Albuquerque and Rob and I try to visit often throughout the year, spending time with familia in Albuquerque and in San Juan.

What I'd like him to know this Father's day is that I love him mucho and I appreciate him and love him with all my heart!!!


Debbie / Prairie Emporium said...

What a nice Fathers Day blog for your Daddy (I still call my Dad Daddy). Tammy, I love reading about your family. Great photo of the two of you.

sharon said...

Beautiful photo Tammy, and a beautiful post!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely post about your dad!
I lost my dad 10 years ago, but I still feel him near. I know he is at peace.

Tammy and Rob said...

Thanks Debbie, my family is quite colorful, I'll be posting about them more often!
Sharon, thank you too,I love seeing all the new pieces you are making, you have lots more patience than me girlie!
Sandra, thank you! I'm so sorry for the loss of your father, but I'm glad you feel his presence, I worry about mine all the time, my mom has had 3 heart attacks in the past 2 years, she's doing good now :) but when that happened I immediately called Daddy and told him he better start taking better care of himself!