Rob and I dashed off to New Mexico for the weekend, spending a little time with mi familia, but mostly just enjoying our weekend hunting down tesoros!
Our first stop was the Albuquerque flea market where we found a guy who buys estates and then takes the goods to the flea market to sell off, we purchased a very old statue of Santo Nino de Praga and some old trinkets for me to add into some jewelry pieces. The next stop was the Old Town plaza where we always stop into the church gift shop to purchase devotional art from the local artists and a shop called Santisma to check out some Dia de los Muertos art, didn't buy anything there, but the art was amazing! Next stop was My Tio Paul and Tia Ruth's 50th wedding anniversary party at my cousin Katie's hacienda. It was nice to see all the cousins and be able to spend a few hours with the rest of la familia.
Sunday morning was spent in Madrid checking out some of the galleries, then on to Chimayo at the Santuario, where Rob added a few more pieces of art to the gallery. I was also ab
Well that was our weekend fun, what do you all have planned for the remainder of the summer?! Can you believe it's already the middle of July, I really never want summer to end!
Stay tuned, I'm going to post about a very special person who is having a very special giveaway on her blog...
What a wonderful weekend in some of my favourite places! Especially, Chimayo. I can just sit at the church there for hours, soaking up the magic and beauty of the place.
I know Chimayo is such a place of peace. We did find out that the church has had to put in video surveillence cameras because the tecatos(drug users)were trying to steal the donation boxes, so sad that our world is so out of control.
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