Saturday, January 16, 2010

Taking a step forward into the world of metal

Yes it's official, I start my silversmithing class this Thursday evening, and I am happy!
This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I was the girl in junior high and high school that would purposely do bad in cooking and sewing class, just so the teachers would get frustrated with me and just send me on my way to metal, plastic, or wood shop! Terrible I know, but what can I say, I grew up with 4 brothers. After Rob asked me to marry him, we were having a casual conversation about dinner, (if I haven't mentioned before, he is a wonderful cook who puts much love into what he makes for us) he looked over at me and asked me what I preferred to do, cook or clean? Well I sat there for what seemed like forever, I didn't want to say the wrong thing, but deep in my heart I knew I couldn't cook every night! My son Devin finally saved me and answered "she'll clean"! From the bottom of my heart I thank him for saving me that night and to this day Rob does all the cooking and I do all the cleaning. So yes, this new venture is so exciting, for me to be able to do something that I've always truly desired to learn, well words just can't express how I feel.

My goal is to have both intro and intermediate done by May. This gives me just a little time to get some pieces done before we hit the shows we do in Santa Fe and Taos. I think I''m going to be one happy girl this summer!

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