Friday, January 29, 2010

Having a little fun and doing a lot of WORK!!

I'm not one to enjoy the month flying by so fast, but I am so tired of the cold that I am completely happy that January is almost over and we one month closer to Spring, yes I do love Primavera and I am also a Spring baby.

I am loving my silversmithing class, in fact I have already started putting a little wompom down for the intermediate silversmithing class. I really want to have a good aptitude by the end of May. The instructor is young, but very good at getting his students to stretch their boundary of creativity, I like that.

Rob is done with his new primitive folk paintings and we are back at CHAC gallery for the month of February, and our work is so colorful and strong that they asked us to be in the front (main) area of the gallery, we were flattered and happy!

We hope to see our Denver friends on First Friday for a night of fun!

Thanks to all of you here in blogland that stop by to say hi, please know that I do try to get by all of your wonderful blogs at least once a week to see how you all are doing, you are doing some great things these days, and I love all of it!!!

Here are some pics of Rob's newest Death Cart, and a double strand necklace that I just finished.


SummersStudio said...

Love the death cart and the necklace! Silver smithing is something I would love to go back to. I haven't done any since I was young. Hope you'll show us some of your work!

Tammy and Rob said...

Hi Leann~Thanks for peeking in! Are you surviving the cold? I will definitely show my silver pieces, and I think you should get back into it too!

Kim said...

Hey Tammy and Rob!
It's Brett from Van Fleet Street Design! I would love to get into metalsmithing and welding, maybe another lifetime,lol.
How are you doing on 1KM?

Tammy and Rob said...

Hi Brett!
How are you?! So good to hear from you! You know I haven't done much on 1K, just wasn't get many bites and we have been incredibly busy with shows at the gallery which have been quite good to us :)