Sunday, February 7, 2010

Football and Eli...The day just can't get any better!!!

Have you ever seen a 2 month old laugh so hard?!
Today is Super Bowl Sunday, and yes that is exciting. But what is even more exciting is we will be seeing our sweet baby boy Eli, our godson!! I know, I know, I am out of control gooing and gushing over him like I myself was his momma, but I am Nina after all and I get to do this, its my job to love him and spoil him! So while everybody is getting their final football fix, I will be getting my baby fix with Eli!

We had a wonderful First Friday down at the gallery, with both of us doing extremely well for a February art walk! The weather was perfect and the amount of people amazing. Rob sold out of almost all of his prints and my jewelry was going very quickly too! I now have to make more to replenish by Wednesday when the gallery opens again, so no procrastinating for me these next couple of days. Rob's new primitive art paintings of old New Mexico churches was met with lots of compliments, which is why I think he about sold out of the prints! Go Rob, with your artful heart!

Thursday night was silversmithing class and we learned how to solder. Having that torch in my hand felt so natural to me, I know this is exactly where I am supposed to be right now, learning how to work with metal. It opens up the door to so many creative possibilities that I cannot even begin to describe it to you! I will show off my ring once I have it completed, then on to a bracelet.

Well enough of my gushing over babies, football, and metal, it's time to get to work on some new pieces for the gallery before I lose more time.
Happy Sunday!


SummersStudio said...

Oh my, gush away. That little guy is adorable. I would love to cuddle him up. Congrats on your First Friday success! Wishing you many more.

Tammy and Rob said...

Thanks LeAnn! I did just that for three hours, he was a blast to be around tonight! Thanks for the encouragement you send our way ;)