Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You want this done by when???!

We are in the process of putting together a website for our artwork and jewelry and let me know me tell you this is a difficult job and Rob wants it done by April! Researching what company has the best web hosting, making sure everything is secure, it just utterly makes me tired! But, it needs to be done. Rob's artwork is not a common form of artwork on Etsy, people do not know what Spanish colonial artwork is or how to find it and it is quite frustating for him. I started this blog over a year ago and we have met some great fellow artists and friends. It was really started just to update family and friends on all the latest happenings in our lives, both personal and creative.

Sooo, here we go, on to the next chapter of the internet world! We hope you will continue on this journey of learning with us, we so enjoy all of the encouragement and support you continually give to us and we hope to provide a more professional and beautiful way of offering our art. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions we would love to hear from you.

My final intro to silversmithing class is tomorrow night, I will be showing off those funny little pieces I created this weekend! Please try not to laugh too hard, I promise my pieces will get better after the intermediate class!

Til the weekend....


Debbie/ Prairie Emporium said...

Good luck with the new website. I know it is work but it will be worth all the long hours at the computer.

Barbara Lewis said...

Hey, I found you, duh! I'm already a follower! Now I remember you! Please excuse my senior moment!

SummersStudio said...

Well you are couple of steps ahead of me. I've looked a little at getting a web site up and find it a little overwhelming. Good luck with and let us know how it goes!

Tammy and Rob said...

Debbie-Thanks, hopefully I can do it quickly and without too many headaches!
Barbara-We all have those senior moments, even when we are not seniors, haha! Btw my husband bought me some Mapp gas at Home Depot, now I just need to purchase your torch from your shop, I am so excited!
LeAnn-I already feel overwhelmed and haven't even started! I will definitely let you know how it goes, I just think it would be a good avenue to go outside of Etsy!
Thanks ladies for the encouragement and for always stopping by to say hi!